jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020


técnica de falso vitral, sencillo de hacer para grados superiores, una forma de ver la edad media y el vitral de manera cercana.

les comparto el link de pinterest donde pueden encontrar las plantillas.

un proceso de calcar, dibujar o imprimir.

se calca la hoja sobre la cartulina y luego se resalta con color blanco.

Se debe dejar un borde de un centímetro o medio centímetro 

 Se recorta con cuter o bisturi, con mucho cuidado.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Manualidad con tubos de cartón. 

una tapa pequeña
un tubo de cartón
una hoja en blanco.
vinilos de diferentes colores.
y la creatividad.

Estampación sencilla para niños y niñas.

martes, 26 de enero de 2016



They live in a big house, They have dogs, cats, pigs and chickens in the pen at house.

they have many children,  they go on vacation to the river and do travel of pot.

the mother make homerwork in the home, she cooks food tipical as bandeja paisa, and other foods.

She reads litte but listen the news on the radio, She watches novels in the t.v.
She doesn`t drivers, and They take care of their children.

The father works in the land planting and picking coffee, cassava and others, He doesn`t cook. they sometimes does housework.

He read litte but listen favorite music and the news the tomorrow In the radio 

In the evening he watches novels on the t.v.

He does much rides in the horse, They sometimes driver cars.

He likes to drink alcohol

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

welcome and Bienvenidos

Dear friends.

This blog is created as a project of English course are welcome